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Aftermarket versus Genuine (Manufacturer) Car Parts

Aftermarket versus Genuine (Manufacturer) Car Parts

Written By John Linden

Anytime you order car parts and accessories, you want to ask yourself whether you should purchase Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or aftermarket car parts. Is there anything wrong with ordering aftermarket components, or should you only use OEM parts for your vehicle?

To answer these questions, we will look at a list of pros and cons to both sides. This will help you make the best decision for your needs. Before you invest in genuine Mazda car covers or a genuine Porsche 911 cover, you want to consider these points.

Aftermarket Parts

When the parts aren’t sourced directly from the automaker, they are considered aftermarket. As long as they are direct replacement parts, they shouldn’t void your car warranty. Some of these aftermarket parts are made to function better than the original.


More cost-effective: Aftermarket parts tend to be less expensive than the OEM counterparts. You can shop around to find the price you want, but make sure you verify the quality. If the price is too low or not from a reputable company, you should avoid it like the plague.

Additional variety: Hundreds of organizations make aftermarket parts. Some of them focus specifically on one type of part, while others make a variety of components. The more options you have, the greater the selection that’s available to you. When you are searching for a genuine Honda Car Cover, you don’t want just one option; you want several to choose from.

Quality like OEM or better: In many cases, aftermarket parts can be just as good or better than the original. Aftermarket companies spend time and money reverse-engineering the part. During this time, they work out all of the weaknesses and figure out ways to improve the design. An excellent example of this is with brake pads. The automaker balances performance with cost. Because of this, many OEM pads squeak and make noise. If you want less noise, switching to an aftermarket brand might be your best option.

Greater availability: Working with aftermarket parts gives you the options you need. You no longer become a victim of the manufacturer because you can get your parts anywhere.


Hard to make a decision: When you begin shopping for aftermarket parts, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. The selection is massive and often difficult to choose from. For example, buying aftermarket spark plugs might seem like a simple task, but there are dozens of options available for you to pick from. Before you make a decision, it’s often best to speak with a mechanic you trust.

Quality isn’t guaranteed: Purchasing an aftermarket part doesn’t ensure quality. You get what you pay for in most situations. If you need a low-budget part, you might also receive materials that aren’t as durable. If you choose to buy aftermarket, you want to stick with the brands and companies you trust, even if it costs you a little more.

No warranty: Not all aftermarket parts come with a warranty. This is something you want to verify before making a purchase.

OEM Parts

The OEM parts are made by the vehicle manufacturer. They will match the components that came on your vehicle when it arrived at the dealership.


Simple selection: When you visit the dealership and ask for a specific part, you get one option. Because it is a direct replacement, you don’t have to navigate through various prices or brands to make your choice.

Includes a warranty: Most automakers provide a warranty with their parts. If you get your repairs done at the dealership, the labor may be warrantied as well.

Quality assurance: OEM parts work just like the one you are replacing. It’s what your automaker manufactured, so you have peace of mind knowing what to expect.


Cost more: OEM parts tend to cost more than aftermarket counterparts. Automakers attempt to increase the dealership’s profits through the sale of parts.

Quality isn’t always better: While you will pay extra for most OEM parts, it doesn’t mean the quality is better. Some aftermarket replacements are engineered better than the original. What you might be paying extra for is simply the name.

Have to go to the dealer: Most times, you have to visit a dealership to get the OEM parts. You can request them from your local mechanic, but there’s no guarantee they have them. Even if they can get them, you might wait longer than when you buy aftermarket replacements.

When Should You Buy OEM Parts?

As you shop for your genuine Mazda car covers and your genuine Honda Car Cover, you may wonder when it’s appropriate to purchase OEM parts. Here are the few times you should invest in original equipment.

Collision repairs – if you purchase aftermarket, the body panels might not fit the way you expect. It’s also possible that the crumple zones won’t work as well in an accident.

Leased cars – you must consider the value of your vehicle when you lease it. Purchasing aftermarket parts, especially for the body, might diminish the value and cost you part of your deposit in the end.

Here’s the downside to that; most insurance companies don’t cover OEM parts. They prefer to use cheaper, aftermarket parts for body repair. If you find yourself in need of bodywork and want OEM parts, you might be left paying the additional cost.

What about Your Car Covers?

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Featured Image Credit: geralt / Pixabay
