
How To Prepare For Summertime RV'ing Fun

Summer is here, the kids are out of school and it's time for the annual family vacations to begin. I know for my family we love to hang out at the beach and at the lake. Water creates a serene feeling no matter what has been going on in your recent days.

The sounds of the ocean waves breaking are a reminder of how wonderful life is. The ebb and flow of the water is soothing to the soul. The smell of the ocean breeze creates calmness, and a peaceful feeling.

But before we embark on the great outdoors adventure we need to make sure that our heads are on straight and we have a few basic mindsets before we begin our great adventure.

Just like the calming effect of the ocean on our souls and spirit. Having a great attitude and understanding about RV'ing can lead to a lot less stress before you ever turn on the key and put your motor-home into gear.

Remember bigger doesn't always mean better not only are you navigating a larger vessel on the road, it makes you a larger target for accidents. Not to mention depending on where you are staying for the evening a larger RV could cause you problems trying to navigate around some camping areas looking for a level place to park. Newer larger Rvs have a leveling system that must be used before operating a gas grill, the refrigerator or any other appliance contained within it's fiberglass walls. For more great tips check out our friends at

Another great rule for the open road is to ensure you have everything you need before heading out on your journey. This does take some skill and proper planning and forethought. You do have a space and weight limit you must observe. No need for making your luxurious road warrior feel stuffed to the gills with extra weight from items that you do not need.

You will save on fuel costs, laundry costs and reduce your frustration by not over loading your rig. Take the necessities and a couple of can't live without luxury items if you must. My wife & I learned very quickly about the consequences of having an overloaded RV interior. Our beautiful rig quickly turned into chaos with cabinets flinging open dumping out all of our cloths and other items we had stored in them.

It was a nightmare until we got everything under control. Fortunately we learned how to down size and adapt rather quickly while making our lives a bit more manageable in the process. Of course you will need to pack those items you deem as important but just be mindful. If you have 2 adults packing to the brim you may wind up running out of space before you finish getting all of your items put away.

Now that you are aware of your Rvs sheer size and storage capacity let's get you prepared for the road. I found this great resource with two amazing RV checklists. One for pre-trip items to do and 1 for setting up at the destination. If these lists don't work for you model them and include all of the important items from them plus your own “to dos” as well.
