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How Much do Harley Davidsons Weigh

How Much Does a Harley Davidson Weigh

How Much do Harley Davidsons Weigh

The weight of a Harley Davidson depends on a couple of factors. An average motorcycle weighs around 400 to 900 pounds. The weight of a bike is directly related to its design and performance. Sports bikes and street bikes weigh around 400 to 500 pounds. They lie on the lower end of the weight scale; low weight enhances these bikes' performance and maneuverability. The Harley-Davidson motorcycle is one of the iconic American motorcycles. It has been in continuous production since 1903 and is one of the favorite motorcycle manufacturers throughout the world.

This article explores the weight aspect of the Harley Davidsons and how it affects the performance and riding experience of the bikes. Harley bikes weigh 450 to 800+ pounds. Some of the Harley Davidsons weigh closer to 1000 pounds, they are one of the heaviest bikes on the market. How much do Harley Davidsons weigh is defined by the following factors:

Ø The size of the engine, the larger the size of the engine, the heavier the bike will be.

Ø The weight of components

Ø The size of the exhaust and frame.

How Much Do Harley Davidsons Weigh

The weight of a Harley Davidson depends on the model, accessories, and added cargo. It generally weighs around 400 to 1000 pounds, whereas most of the models fall in the range of 500 to 800 pounds. One of the lighter Harley Davidson models is the Street 500 and the heaviest models include the Electra Glide Ultra Classic (799 pounds) and Road King (773 pounds). The weights mentioned above are the dry weights of the bikes, it does not include fluids or any other accessories and cargo attached to them. The average weight of Harley Davidson motorcycles according to their type is mentioned below:

Sport: 480-500 pounds Adventure: 540-570 pounds Cruiser: 550-730 pounds Touring: 800-960 pounds Trike: 1,100-1270 pounds

As a motorcycle buyer, you need to know that the weight of a motorcycle is critical. It impacts the bike's handling, comfort, and fuel efficiency. The heavier bikes will need more power to ride; therefore, the heavier the bike the more fuel it will consume.

Why is it Important to Know How Much a Harley Davidson Weighs

When buying a motorcycle, we often focus on things such as parts, accessories, fuel, etc. These factors are important; however, weight is another critical feature that is often overlooked. Let's have a look at the reasons why it is important to know how much a Harley Davidson weighs.

Ø The weight of a motorcycle is the aggregate of its parts; e.g., all the systems, materials, and features. Knowing how heavy your bike is will help you decide about the modifications that you can make.

Ø Weight of your Harley Davidson is one of the prime factors that will determine your bike's movement and handling while braking, accelerating, and cornering.

Ø Acceleration and brakes of your Harley Davidson will also be impacted by the weight of your bike. Lightweight bikes will move faster than heavier bikes, similarly, the brakes on heavier motorcycles tend to take more time to respond.

Ø Your bike's maneuvering capability is determined by how you have balanced the weight of your bike.

2023 Harley Davidson Bikes: Model, Price, and Weight

The weight of your Harley Davidson is determined by a variety of factors such as the size of the engine, exhaust, and frame. Components like large batteries, heavier brakes, and steel rims (as opposed to aluminum), can add significant weight to a bike. However, the engine remains the primary weight contributing factor. Let's have a look at the table given below, you can see the name, model, price, and weight comparison of different Harley Davidson bikes in 2023.

Model Type Starting Price Weight, as Shipped Weight, in Running Order SPORTSTER® S Sport $15,499 487 lb. 502 lb. IRON 883™ Cruiser $11,249 545 lb. 564 lb. LOW RIDER® S Cruiser $17,530 650 lb. 679 lb. LOW RIDER® EL DIABLO Cruiser $27,999 700 lb. 728 lb. FREEWHEELER® Trike $28,499 1,085 lb. 1,118 lb. CVO™ TRI GLIDE® Trike $49,999 1,239 lb. 1,269 lb. PAN AMERICA™ 1250 Adventure Touring $17,319 505 lb. 540 lb. PAN AMERICA™ 1250 SPECIAL (G.I. ENTHUSIAST COLLECTION) Adventure Touring 534 lb. 569 lb. $20,799 ELECTRA GLIDE® STANDARD Grand American Tour $19,429 781 lb. 820 lb. STREET GLIDE® Grand American Tour $21,999 796 lb. 829 lb.

The Smallest Harley Davidson

There are two important factors that you need to know before discussing how much the smallest Harley Davidson weighs. Firstly, the numbers that are given as the weight of a motorcycle denote its dry weight, which means that the figure does not include the fluids and the equipment. Therefore, when you are going to add gear to your bike consider that the final weight will be the dry weight of the bike plus the equipment and the fluids in addition to the weight of the added gear.

Secondly, a motorcycle's weight is related to the rider's weight and the rider's ability to comfortably reach the controls and properly maintain the riding position. Smaller and petit riders are advised to start with smaller bikes initially. A rider can advance up to heavier bikes as he/she gains experience over time, there is no reason why experienced riders cannot climb up the weight ladder. However, before moving to larger machines one must polish skills and ride thousands of miles on smaller ones.

The smallest Harley-Davidson motorcycle is the Nightster, which has a wet weight of 481 lb. (218 kg). The motorcycle is powered by a 975T liquid-cooled V-Twin engine that produces 70 ft-lb of torque and 90hp. It has a fuel capacity of 3.09 Gallons and gives a mileage of 52 mpg.

Following are more options in the smallest Harley Davidsons:

  • Harley Street 500 & 750 (455 lbs)
  • Harley Sportster 883 SuperLow (536 lbs)
  • Harley Sportster 1200 Custom (554 lbs)
  • Harley Softail LowRider (633 lbs)
  • Harley Softail Deluxe (693 lbs)

Harley Road Glide Weight

Harley Davidson Road Glide is one of the most favorite touring motorcycles. It is an 855-pound (388 kg) monster weighing the same as a German Leicht Geschutz LG40 recoilless cannon from WWII. Despite its heavy build, it uses advanced chassis control to give you smooth acceleration and braking. It has improved technological features such as Bluetooth connectivity and a charging point.

Harley Road Glide Vs Harley Street Glide: Price, Performance, and Features

Both bikes offer excellent riding experiences, however, there are some key differences too. When it comes to price, both the bikes cost almost the same; Harley Road Glide starts at $21,699 and Harley Street Glide starts at $21,999. Size wise, Road Glide is 95.7 inches long and 820 pounds heavy, whereas, Street Glide is 96.5 inches long and weighs 796 pounds.

Both touring motorcycles come in different color options, both are available in Vivid Black and Billiard Red color. The Road Glide also comes in Gauntlet Gray Metallic and the Street Glide has River Rock Gray color. In terms of performance, the Street Glide offers better agility due to its lighter weight, whereas, the Road Glide offers better rider comfort due to the fairing design and seat height (Road Glide 25.9 inches and Street Glide 26.1 inches seat height).

Tips for Handling a Heavy Motorcycle

Handling a heavy motorcycle might turn out to be quite a task, especially if it's your first time riding a heavy bike, or if you have directly descended on a heavy bike instead of following the usual route of smaller to heavier bike. Developing proper technique is the key to riding a heavy motorcycle. Everything, such as learning how to make an emergency stop, maintaining balance, and weight distribution, and properly using the gear and brake in different situations depends on how well you have mastered the technique of riding a heavy motorcycle.

The Importance of Proper Balance and Weight Distribution

Finding the correct balance and weight distribution is significant as it will determine the control, and maneuvering ability and will have a considerable impact on your bike's performance. In a parked motorcycle, weight is distributed between two wheels. As the motorcycle accelerates the weight is transferred from the front wheel to the rear wheel, and when you apply brakes, the weight is transferred from the rear wheel to the front wheel. You can change the weight distribution on your bike by altering the length of the swing arm, the angle on the front, and the position of your body. When the bike is moving at a speed you have to control the body weight and move it around as the bike is moving.

How to Use the Gear of Your Heavy Motorcycle Properly

The majority of the Harley Davidsons have manual gear transmission. Here is how you will shift the gear of your manual motorcycle:

Ø From neutral, push the motorcycle gear lever down into first gear

Ø Next, push the lever up to shift into the second gear

Ø Continue pushing the level up to reach the higher gears

Ø Upshifting: You can shift the gear to a higher speed once the speed is built. Close the throttle while squeezing in the clutch, and bump the shift peg with your left foot up as far as it will go. Repeat the process to shift up the higher gears.

Ø Downshifting: Close the throttle while squeezing in the clutch, and then press and release the gear shift peg. The goal is to smoothly adjust the clutch and throttle together to match your current speed.

How to Maneuver Your Motorcycle in Different Situations

Learning both slow as well as fast maneuvers will make your riding experience a lot more fun. While most bike riders focus on learning how to maneuver the bikes when they are speeding (the turns, bumps, controls, and switching from brake to clutch to speed), they often overlook the importance of learning motorcycle maneuvering at slow speed (such as moving through a crowded rally). Here is how you can maneuver your bike slowly as well as at high speed.

Maneuvering on Slow Speed:

Start with riding slowly in a straight line, with your head facing straight instead of looking at the front wheel. Maintaining steady slow movement, turn the handlebar in full-lock mode, turning it left or right as far as it could go. Remember that when you are below 5-7 mph, the counter-steering technique doesn't work. This is how you will be moving and steering the turns. Maintain a steady speed throughout this practice, and whenever you feel like the bike is tripping just stop and start over again.

Maneuvering on Road

Mastering the technique of maneuvering your bike on the road will help you guide your motorbike exactly when you need it, and the way you need it. Here is what you should check before starting to maneuver your bike; is it safe to move, turn or park? Is there enough room to see whether you can cut? Are you blocking the road? Is your movement going to block the road for others?

The OSM/PSL Maneuvering Technique:

The OSM (Observation, Signal, Maneuver) and PSL (Position, Speed, Look) technique is used to maneuver safely.

  • Observation : use your mirrors and look behind you to check blind spots.

  • Signal : give a signal if it will help the other road users understand what you're doing.

  • Maneuver : Carry out the maneuvers using PSL:
  • Position : move into the correct position on the road to make the maneuver.

  • Speed : adjust your speed so you can maneuver safely.

  • Look : keep looking ahead and around you for possible dangers, such as other road users or pedestrians.

In case of a sudden brake due to whatever reason, keep in mind that your bike is upright. Never try to brake while you are cornering. Shut the throttle and use the right amount of braking on each wheel, depending on the road and weather conditions.


Every Harley owner knows keeping their bike in pristine condition is a must. That's why it's recommended to use a Harley Davidson Motorcycle cover whenever you aren't using your bike. The cover should be used both indoor and outdoors, which will ensure you aren't adding any unnecessary wear and tear in between uses. The performance of a Harvey Davidson is determined by how much it weighs. As a motorcyclist who intends to enjoy his/her leisure rides or as someone who intends to join professional rallies, you need to make sure that you learn how to balance the weight of the bike and how to maneuver it at slow as well as high speed.
