10 Accessories Every Jet Ski Owner Needs
Written by Tracy Graham
Image Source: Pixabay
Sometimes, simply owning a Jet Ski isn’t enough. Try these 10 accessories on for size to enhance your experience and keep you safe. Happy Jet Skiing!
1) Waterproof phone box
If you’re the type of person who carries their phone everywhere they go (that’s about 98.9% of the entire world population nowadays), you should invest in a waterproof phone box. Not only will it keep your phone high and dry, but waterproof boxes are also brightly colored, so if you end up dropping your phone into the water during a high-speed turn you can quickly identify where it is. The best cases come with foam padding, so your phone won’t suffer damage from bouncing around.
2) Life Jackets

Image Source: Pixabay
You can’t operate a Jet Ski without a life jacket. Not only is it the law, but it’s outright dangerous to take to the open water without wearing one. Luckily, you can purchase life jackets practically anywhere. You can find them in various sizes, styles, and colors. Have fun with it and find a style and color that you like. The next time you take to the waters in your Jet Ski, you’ll be fast, safe, and stylish.
3) Anchor
I’m sure a Jet Ski doesn’t come to mind when you think of an anchor. Well, just like with any other watercraft, anchors are essential for keeping your Jet Ski securely rooted in one place. Just think of it as a really heavy parking brake. After a hard day of jetting around the water, you might want to take a break and anchor your Jet Ski at a cove and relax. Due to the small size of the Jet Ski, you’ll want to find an anchor that folds. Sandbag anchors are also a good option due to their portability. Simply fill them with sand, and you’re ready to go.
4) Bicycle Lock
Let’s say you get to the aforementioned cove, and you decide to take a walk. Well, how do you go about securing your Jet Ski so that you don’t find yourself stranded if some thief decides to go for a joy ride? A bicycle lock of course! They’re cheap and come in varying sizes. Simply loop your bike lock around the front bow hook and find a safe place to secure your Jet Ski. Cable bike locks tend to work very well. Once you’re secure, you can go ahead and enjoy that walk!
5) Whistle/Air Horn
Jet Skis can break down just like any car on the road. Or maybe, you might get caught in the open water when a fierce storm suddenly comes rolling in. In such instances, an air horn or whistle will significantly increase your chances of being spotted by a passing ship or rescue party. Most states require you to carry an air horn or whistle anyway, so you might as well grab one as soon as possible.
6) Clothing and Gear

Image Source: Pixabay
To make your ride on the water as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, you should dress the part. A good wetsuit will ensure that you can ride any time of the year. If you don’t have a wetsuit, you can wear a rash guard. Rash guards are ideal for protecting you from the sun with the added benefit of keeping you cool. You should also invest in riding gloves if you wish to cut down on hand fatigue. Water shoes are also a must! Finally, you should don a pair of floating sunglasses to protect your eyes from the piercing rays of the sun.
7) Cleaner and Polish
Cleaning your Jet Ski should be just as simple as cleaning your car, right? Wrong. For one, cars aren’t water based vehicles! Due to their constant contact with the water, Jet Skis require special cleaners and polishes to make them shine like new. There are a medley of cleaning solutions to choose from, ranging from vinyl protectors to quick cleaners. If nothing else, invest in the vinyl protectors. Unlike fiberglass, vinyl can’t be restored. Once the deterioration process has begun, there’s no bringing your vinyl back.
8) Dry Bag
Having a dry bag on hand is always a good idea if you plan on bringing extra clothes and other items with you that you don’t want to get wet. There are many bags to choose from as they vary in size, design, and color. One of the best highlights of a dry bag is that they float when you drop them. I can hear clumsy Jet Ski owners all over the world pulling out their credit cards and bum rushing retailers now!
9) Folding Paddle

Image Source: Pixabay
You may be thinking to yourself “why do I need a paddle when I have a Jet Ski?” A valid question, but you should also ask yourself “what will I do if I break down in deep waters and no one is around to hear my air horn?” Folding paddles are absolutely useless to you until you actually need them. Then they’re the only thing standing between you being stranded or reaching civilization. Invest in a folding paddle, and you’ll be grateful you did the day you actually need it.
10) Jet Ski Covers
Did you just wax and polish your Jet Ski but an incoming thunderstorm is threatening to undo all of your hard work? A Jet Ski cover is one of the best ways to protect your Jet Ski from the ravishes of Mother Nature. Ultimately, your Jet Ski will always be vulnerable to the elements. No matter the conditions – rain, snow, sun – a good Jet Ski cover will protect your watercraft from the elements.
Check out covers for your favorite jet skis:
- Honda AquaTrax F-12X
- Kawasaki Jet Ski
- Sea-Doo GTI 130 Jet Ski
- Sea-Doo Spark 2 Up