10 Weird and Wonderful Car Museums - Popular Mechanics
It's Friday and the weather has been weird around here, so in keeping with the weirdness of the week we decided to look up some of the weirdest automotive news we could find on the rainy, and dreary day.
So to start off the weirdness we decided to start with some cool automotive museums around the US. Check out the great Popular Mechanics post about these wonderful and rare gems. 10 Weird and Wonderful Car Museums - Popular Mechanics.
If that isn't weird enough what about the "Falcon Hunter" built by Franco Sbarro Windhawk
Even so that Falcon Hunter is no worlds ugliest car...
If that is not weird enough for you here are a couple of vehicles that made us take a double glance. We couldn't believe our eyes. A beer can and a muffler for a vehicle. Wow what imagination.